Colombia's President declared a National Disaster in Nov, 2022, due to severe rains and floods due to La NiƱa affecting 501,281 people & 71% of the territory. Cundinamarca, La Guajira, Cauca, Valle del Cauca, & Huila were hardest hit. Emergency plans activated to mitigate impact

On 1 November, 2022, the President of the Republic of Colombia declared a National Disaster situation in the country by Decree 21131 of the same date. Taking into account the effects of the current rainy season in the national territory, which has affected 501,281 people and 71% of the national territory, leaving communities in a state of vulnerability to flooding and its derivative effects such as damage to their homes or total loss of property, damage to sewage networks, and damage to sewage systems, aqueducts, road infrastructure, health centers, educational institutions and livelihoods, mainly related to agricultural activities.

Particularly, the departments of Cundinamarca, La Guajira, Cauca, Valle del Cauca and Huila recorded high levels of affectation in more than 70% of their territories, which together with the low level of humanitarian assistance in the area and the difficulty of access to their territories, especially aggravates the conditions of food security, health and habitability of this population.

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